Wednesday, November 12, 2008


About three of four months into 2008, i was in a deep state of unrest and despair. There had been a lack of new releases and the majority of releases that had dared to show their face, didn't leave me with that sense of completion. This left me with two options. Either kill myself, which may be a little extreme, or, ride the roller coaster that is music and hope that something fills the void. As you may be aware, I'm still alive, so you can work out which path i eventually took.

I don't feel like explaining my reasons as to why i picked these albums. Instead, i'm going to use a comment extracted from, just for the lulz.

Best Albums Of 2008

20) Death Cab For Cutie - Narrow Stairs

"this is one if the first video that was almost perfect with the lyrics.
p.s. i think that ppl on their wedding day would prolly wear mascara."

In relation to "Cath..." video. Courtesy of secretPiper

19) Sigur Ros - Med sud i eyrum vid spilum endalaust

"lalalala i love the nakedness involved in this song!"

In relation to "Gobbledigook" - live. Courtesy of rishy561

18) MGMT - Oracular Spectacular

"This video makes me want to take drugs."

In relation to "Time to Pretend". Courtesy of ZodiacRabit

17) She & Him - Volume One

"if katy perry had any talent, maybe."

In relation to "Why do you let me stay here?". Courtesy of alrightmadison

16) Wolf Parade - At Mount Zoomer

"I listen this song every morning. Wakes up - shower - turns on this song - breakfast - fixes hair and stuff - work.
Yes, you needed to know this. "

In relation to "Kissing the beehive". Courtesy of BamRyan

15) School Of Language - Sea From Shore

"What an overlooked album; not even its own wikipedia entry. Criminal."

In realtion to "The rockist". Courtesy of divingbellbutterfly

14) Elbow - The Seldom Seen Kid

"im pretty sure theyre english"

In reltation to "Grounds For Divorce". Courtesy of fraserfj

13) Daniel Martin Moore - Stray Age

"stunningly honest and melodious."

In relation to "Fly-Rock Blues". Courtesy of berendjan1943

12) The Dodo's - Visiter

"this song/video is like sex
hot sweaty rhythmin

In relation to "Fools". Courtesy of martinikississ

11) The Sleeping Years - We're Becoming Islands One By One

"omg i luff dis song i fink its da best wel dats my opinion lol..... u r a reali good singer pity it didnt run in the family lol xxxxx"

In relation to "Macosquin, Coleraine". Courtesy of (the well spoken) mgrundle754

10) No Age - Nouns

"This could be the opening for a teenage drama series."

In relation to "Eraser". Courtesy of SluttySanta

9) TV On The Radio - Dear, Science

"esta muy muy bueno"

In relation to "Dancing Choose". Courtesy of javitomas09

8) Deerhunter - Microcastle

"this band has really good guitar."

In relation to "Nothing Ever Happened". Courtesy of tucker0987654321

7) Fleet Foxes - self titled

"yeah i know and the red scarfs. must be cold. who is this michael?"

In relation to "White Winter Hymnal". Courtesy of Andis345

6) Department of Eagles - In Ear Park

"im going to kick your arse! your sleeping in the garage tonight bitch...."

In relation to "In Ear Park". Courtesy of artillero9

5) The Delta Spirit - Ode To Sunshine

"does anyone else think this guy sounds like Bono?"

In relation to "Trashcan'. Courtesy of mets6891

4) Sun Kil Moon - April

"sends a deep feeling of longing for something more in this life down my spine."

In relation to "Lost Verses". Courtesy of Silversteele13

3) Frightend Rabbit - The Midnight Organ Fight

"raygun says why not after a few if u dont like this switch off please! cant stop listening to this album do i need to say more?talk to me lol"

In relation to 'Heads Roll Off". Courtesy of (the slightly inebriated?) raygun180

2) The Week That Was - self titled

"it's so hard to imagine them as office workers! thank goodness they're musicians!"

In relation to "Scratch The Surface". Courtesy of thatgirlinthehat

1) Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago

"goosebumps all the way, amazing!!!!!"

In realation to "re: Stacks". Courtesy of KiDd083

I'm sure some of you won't agree with all of the albums i've listed above, but to me they represent what as been an awesome year for music......

Wankiest Albums of the Year (in no particular order)

Ryan Adams - Cardinology

"Adams draws the blinds entirely and Cardinology starts sliding into self-indulgent banality of a sort so pinched and uninviting it makes Conor Oberst seem like Will Rogers (and I'm not even counting the butt-rock red herring "Magick," which makes you wonder what Adams actually hears when he listens to the Rolling Stones or New York Dolls)." anon.

My Morning Jacket - Evil Urges

"How does a band that put songs like Bermuda Highway, Golden and Gideon come out with a song that has "Peanut Butter Pudding Surprise" in it? Is this some bad joke?
I will never pay to see them again. If they happen to be at a festival, I may give them a chance. So long My Morning Jacket. You'll be missed. " comment by theotherone58 on

Kings Of Leon - Only By The Night

"It all starts with Caleb Followill's never-ending need to play to type, and if you've kept up to this point, you know the drill-- though his band has toured the world several times over, dude can't see past his own dick." Ian Cohen - Pitchfork

The Killers - Day & Night

"omg i had no idea till now they were american!, they sound british. it was funni i used to think oh the killers r prob one of the best british bands" comment by matthewfoong on "Human" video on

Also, whats a year of music without a few live gigs, huh?! Here's the my highlights of the year...

Best Live Act of 2008

Bon Iver
Fleet Foxes
The Henry Clay People

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